Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Boys

The boys' school does the Cardinale Pride awards once a month (it is the student of the month). Kyler was one of the 4 reciepients this month. Great job, Kyler! Looks like he picked up where he left off in Clovis! Both Caden and Kyler are doing well in school. Both are keeping their grades at strait A's, and they are now involved in soccer and spring flag football. They are also getting ready to train for the Country Music Marathon in April. They will soon start running 1 mile a day after school to count toward their 24 mile run for the marathon. The last mile will be run around LP Field (Titan's football field) on April 24th.

Charlene and Kelly's Visit

Charlene and Kelly came to visit last week and despite everyone getting sick during their visit, we had a fun time. We went to the Jack Daniel's distillery and Ft. Campbell army post. We also had a nice weekend visit with Sonya and her boyfriend Greg.

Visitor at School!

Kyler and Caden's school always seems to have something fun in the works...singers and songwriters preforming, professional sports teams helping out with PE (we did get free hockey tickets out of this one), and the latest was a children's book author.

I went to the school assembly to listen to Herman Parish, the author of Amelia Badelia. He is actually the 2nd author...his aunt began writing about Amelia, but after her death in 1988, her nephew Herman took over. What a thrill it was to listen to him talk about how Amelia got her start, and where she is going next.